Sandy Chapin Shares Her Thoughts On Senator Patrick Leahy's New Book
By Pegge Strella

Senator Patrick Leahy writes in the introduction to his memoir "The Road
Taken" that he knows what the Senate can be and has faith the Senate can
be that way again. He writes that certain words ring true. The first
were the words of “my dear friend Harry Chapin, ‘When in doubt, do
something.’” Do read The Road Taken and you can once again believe there
are good people dedicated to public service and a better American
promise. As Leahy explains in his introduction, “This is the story not
just of my political education, or even of the Senate’s journey, but of
America’s journey..” from the 1970s up to the present. This is history
we all knew, read about, and lived through, but Senator Leahy shares
personal stories of hard work, collaboration and commitment. Pat and
Harry were close personal friends and our families spent happy times
together in Vermont. Most of all, Harry and Pat together tackled issues
concerning food, agriculture and hunger and believed a handful of
dedicated citizens can lead us to advance.
In the book, we meet demagogues and ideologues as well as those
dedicated to truth and fortitude. Senator Leahy is continually at the
forefront of fostering dialogue and amity and openness and he evokes
Abraham Lincoln in reminding us to follow “the better angels of our
nature.” He stands by his word, cherishes his roots, seeks unity and
friendship, and embodies unvarnished loyalty at home in Vermont, in our
nation's capital and constantly abroad. After serving eight terms
dedicating his life to Vermont, the U.S. Senate, our United States and
the global community, Senator Leahy tells a tale of inspiration and hope
for the rest of us.
I have known Patrick Leahy as a warm and loyal friend and now I am
happy to embrace the thoughtful and brilliant writer.